Case Studies

LIVEXCollect standardises industry adoption of animal welfare indicators

To meet the changing expectations of its members, the regulator and the Australian community, the livestock export industry has shifted to measuring animal welfare on board livestock ships as a measure of performance, rather than counting how many animals make it to their destination alive. However, assessing the welfare of animals – as opposed to […]

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Research underpins ongoing irrigation optimisation

Water is essential for almond tree growth and optimising production. Almonds grown in temperate Australia rely on water applied through irrigation to meet the needs of the tree. Water needs continually change during the year, and the aim for irrigators is to apply the right amount of water at the right time to avoid issues […]

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Early and dry sowing of wheat delivers the yields

Wheat is Australia’s most valuable crop, representing $5 billion per year, and Australia is one of the world’s largest wheat exporters, accounting for 10 per cent of global wheat exports. In the first 90 years of the 20th century, our wheat yields more than trebled but growth has plateaued since 1990, some of which is […]

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Dairy farmers secure economic and environmental savings

The collaborative Rural R&D For Profit Program, Smarter Irrigation for Profit project*, which included Dairy Australia, saw dairy farmers around the country adopt new knowledge and new ways of working that helped save them money and reduced their environmental impact. The project was designed to encourage the adoption of new irrigation technologies and science application […]

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