
Sustainability for our industries means running profitable, productive, competitive and efficient businesses while creating environmental, economic and social value. It also means being accountable to stakeholders for the industry’s actions and impacts.

A sustainability framework for Australian-grown horticulture

Hort Innovation has worked with Australian horticulture’s industries and stakeholders to develop the Australian-grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework for understanding and measuring the sustainability of Australian-grown horticulture production, and to set goals for the future. A sustainable horticulture sector is one that is vibrant and prosperous, produces food to nourish and plants to nurture people and […]

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Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) Reports demonstrate the sustainability of Australia’s fisheries

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation’s annual Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) Reports bring together the available biological, catch and effort information to determine the status of Australia’s key wild-catch fish stocks. The 2020 SAFS Reports (5th edition) provide scientifically robust, up-to-date information on the sustainability of Australia’s fish stocks, and are the most […]

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Stakeholder input sees Sustainability Framework honed and refined

The Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework outlines the dairy industry’s commitment to continuous improvement and to providing nutritious food for a healthier world. The Framework highlights where progress has been made and where additional effort is required. The dairy industry’s commitment to addressing emerging sustainability issues is about keeping dairy in business for the long term, […]

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Framework helps Australia lead in sustainable cotton

The Australian cotton industry has developed the PLANET. PEOPLE. PADDOCK. sustainability framework to coordinate work that will make Australia a global leader in sustainable cotton production. Sustainability in the Australian cotton industry is about understanding, managing and being accountable for what’s important to the people on whom the Australian cotton industry relies: customers, growers and […]

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