Research underpins ongoing irrigation optimisation

Water is essential for almond tree growth and optimising production. Almonds grown in temperate Australia rely on water applied through irrigation to meet the needs of the tree. Water needs continually change during the year, and the aim for irrigators is to apply the right amount of water at the right time to avoid issues caused by under- or over-watering.

While almonds are one of Australia’s most high-value and efficient (in terms of water usage) agricultural crops, producing a high-value revenue per megalitre of water applied, Australian almond producers are always looking for incremental improvements in water efficiency and irrigation methods, to maximise production and optimise the use of water.

Added to this is the rapid growth of the industry and its commensurate water need. Since 2000, there has been a 16-fold increase in plantings, and 19 per cent of these orchards are not yet bearing a crop, while 33 per cent are not yet mature.

Investment by Horticulture Innovation has focused on understanding and optimising the irrigation needs of new and existing almond varieties and growing in Australian conditions. Working closely with the Almond Board of Australia and the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), this information is extended to growers through online tools, workshops, videos and factsheets.

The uptake of research outcomes is impressive. The almond industry has invested heavily in sophisticated irrigation systems, with 99 per cent of orchards using drip irrigation systems designed to match the soil water-holding capacity. The majority of growers also use technology to measure and control water stress in almond trees, with climate data analysis coupled with plant- and soil-based sensors used to plan, monitor and adapt irrigation scheduling to meet tree requirements and minimise unnecessary water use.

The Australian almond industry is world-leading in the efficient use of water, with a strong focus on investing in irrigation management technology and continuous improvement to maximise production and minimise environmental impacts.


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